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Day one with Luther at 7 weeks old - A dogs life |
Many people will want a Husky on the sole basis of how cute they look as puppies, without the due regard to their rapid and ever increasing energy, size and intelligence, this makes Siberian Huskies particularly challenging to raise, train and entertain... I'm sure you'll identify all these things as you read, watch and find out more about Luther.
The mystical 'they' say people choose dogs which reflect their own energy, personality and looks... I guess 2 out of three isn't too bad.
Part of my 'grand plan' when moving to Belfast two years ago was to get a dog as a loyal companion, because I pretty much hate most humans... only joking!
The process of getting a dog required taking a number of deliberate and thought out steps, that being purchasing the right car (to carry the dog safely), the right house and knowing I have the right amount of time to commit, so after two years of living in Belfast and working to satisfy those self imposed conditions, the search for the right dog had begun and my life changed for ever!...
Initially I was pretty much adamant that I was going to go for a Rhodesian Ridgeback as i've owned one before, however, with some of my customers somewhat weary of large dogs, I felt i had to rethink this choice... so the revised search began with fairly intensive research, the attributes I require in a dog is that he must have lots of energy, he must love being outdoors and he must have a placid demeanor, I ultimately settled on a Siberian Husky and then the search commenced, of course, i expected it to take several months to find the right one...
(Part of my research included you tube videos of huskies, website forums and buying a copy of how to train your husky 'Think like a dog' it's well worth a read check that out here...)
Week 3 and legs like a tree!

The time scale of several months went horrifically pear shaped within about 12 minutes of searching, there he was, the jewel in a new litter of Siberian Huskies, about 3 weeks old.... So.... I placed an enquiry and a couple of days later I viewed the puppies (having already stated I wanted a boy dog), then picked the dog I wanted, it was only after I chose him that I was told he was the cheeky one, ain't that the truth !..
During the waiting period I moved house (so to provide Luther a garden etc), bought his dog bowls, Brush, Bed, Toys, treats, food, training pads, lead, collar and so much stuff that anyone would think i was slightly obsessed... of course that's not true, I was and am utterly obsessed ;)
Week 4 and a real eye opener!
The three weeks between viewing luther and collecting him seemed to go painfully slowly, even though during that time I had a business to run, an Xmas hike to organise, move house, do xmas shopping and remember to wash my hair at least twice!
For Luther this time included him opening his eyes (i got the above image sent to me) and seeing his vibrant blue eyes for the first time was quite pleasant.
Luther was chipped and remapped for greater performance.. er, actually, just chipped, then injected, wormed and had all his paperwork straightened out, during this time he started leading the pack and in general learned his trade of being a trouble maker !
Week 5 - Stronger Faster and cheekier
Week 7 - And it begins !

The day after the Bootcamping Christmas hike and drinks I collected Luther, a sad time for his current owner, but a happy time for me...
From this point onwards, life is referred to as AL or BL (After Luther and Before Luther).
In the beginning , Luther was pretty nervous, it didn't take him too long to demonstrate how nervous he was via random and plentiful brown evacuation, this type of shenanigan would become a daily / almost hourly feature of life AL , for a while at least...
His first week was about play, settling in and finding his paws, even though a week was allocated for 'fun', he started to respond to instruction within a few days... very smart dog!
His very first walk was tentative, it took him about 30 minutes to walk / explore about 50 meters, inquisitive just isn't the word.
It was in his first few days that he started to run, he really enjoys Belvoir (oddly pronounced Beaver) park , as well as #ShawsBridge and the surrounding areas, so we go there at least twice a day...
Quite often he is accosted by people who tell him how lovely he looks and 'doesn't he have lovely blue eyes'... of course i become entirely invisible during these exchanges... One lady asked if she could take him home... my saying we come as a package could have seemed a bit seedy... just as well i didn't say that !

Luther and me walk a fine line at times ;-)
Week 8 - One step at a time

This is where it starts, learning through play and becoming aware of who the pack leader is... that's me just incase you're wondering...
During week 8 we started anti-social aversion training for which he has responded really well, all this involves is telling luther to 'Leave It' when mouthing at something he shouldn't , things like electric wires, chair legs, furniture, jumping, begging and of course biting... Now you might be thinking that it's normal for puppies to bit, but remember, these dogs grow fast and big, training him now to avoid biting is really important.. so when he goes to bite or even suggests he will bite he effectively sits on the naughty step for a short while ... it took all of a days training for him to 'get it'... very smart..
Then there are the usual Sit and Lie down instructions, plus walking properly on the lead etc... all of which he now understand, but still ignores sometimes, because he's a husky.. however, there's lots of positive re-enforcement and treats when he deserves them.
I did make the error of using dog mess training pads, but this just sent a message to Luther that peeing on square shaped areas in the house was desirable, so i binned the pads and spent a week taking him out at least hourly to pee, always at the same spot, the same with solid mess, he now understands not to foul indoors, so toilet training took under a week when I binned the training pads !
The biggest bid for freedom for Luther is the ability to walk up and down steps, he did fear the height in week seven, but these are now taken in his stride and has since learned how to untie my shoe laces, and is taking a keen interest on how to open cupboard doors in the kitchen... i can almost see him mentally noting things down... he already sees the connection between doors keys and the door! aarrghh.. he' will be out partying all night in no time !
During the waiting period I moved house (so to provide Luther a garden etc), bought his dog bowls, Brush, Bed, Toys, treats, food, training pads, lead, collar and so much stuff that anyone would think i was slightly obsessed... of course that's not true, I was and am utterly obsessed ;)
Week 4 and a real eye opener!
The three weeks between viewing luther and collecting him seemed to go painfully slowly, even though during that time I had a business to run, an Xmas hike to organise, move house, do xmas shopping and remember to wash my hair at least twice!
For Luther this time included him opening his eyes (i got the above image sent to me) and seeing his vibrant blue eyes for the first time was quite pleasant.
Luther was chipped and remapped for greater performance.. er, actually, just chipped, then injected, wormed and had all his paperwork straightened out, during this time he started leading the pack and in general learned his trade of being a trouble maker !
Week 5 - Stronger Faster and cheekier
Now here he is at week five, he's really starting to take on a great personality, and greater size, and greater mischievous behaviour!
When I was sent the photo of his progress I thought 'Oh my F-ing god!' ... he was (and still is) growing really quickly, but hey, on a really positive note, like me, he is one hell of a looker!
Week 7 - And it begins !

The day after the Bootcamping Christmas hike and drinks I collected Luther, a sad time for his current owner, but a happy time for me...
From this point onwards, life is referred to as AL or BL (After Luther and Before Luther).
In the beginning , Luther was pretty nervous, it didn't take him too long to demonstrate how nervous he was via random and plentiful brown evacuation, this type of shenanigan would become a daily / almost hourly feature of life AL , for a while at least...
His first week was about play, settling in and finding his paws, even though a week was allocated for 'fun', he started to respond to instruction within a few days... very smart dog!
His very first walk was tentative, it took him about 30 minutes to walk / explore about 50 meters, inquisitive just isn't the word.
It was in his first few days that he started to run, he really enjoys Belvoir (oddly pronounced Beaver) park , as well as #ShawsBridge and the surrounding areas, so we go there at least twice a day...
Quite often he is accosted by people who tell him how lovely he looks and 'doesn't he have lovely blue eyes'... of course i become entirely invisible during these exchanges... One lady asked if she could take him home... my saying we come as a package could have seemed a bit seedy... just as well i didn't say that !

Luther and me walk a fine line at times ;-)
Week 8 - One step at a time

This is where it starts, learning through play and becoming aware of who the pack leader is... that's me just incase you're wondering...
During week 8 we started anti-social aversion training for which he has responded really well, all this involves is telling luther to 'Leave It' when mouthing at something he shouldn't , things like electric wires, chair legs, furniture, jumping, begging and of course biting... Now you might be thinking that it's normal for puppies to bit, but remember, these dogs grow fast and big, training him now to avoid biting is really important.. so when he goes to bite or even suggests he will bite he effectively sits on the naughty step for a short while ... it took all of a days training for him to 'get it'... very smart..
Then there are the usual Sit and Lie down instructions, plus walking properly on the lead etc... all of which he now understand, but still ignores sometimes, because he's a husky.. however, there's lots of positive re-enforcement and treats when he deserves them.
I did make the error of using dog mess training pads, but this just sent a message to Luther that peeing on square shaped areas in the house was desirable, so i binned the pads and spent a week taking him out at least hourly to pee, always at the same spot, the same with solid mess, he now understands not to foul indoors, so toilet training took under a week when I binned the training pads !
The biggest bid for freedom for Luther is the ability to walk up and down steps, he did fear the height in week seven, but these are now taken in his stride and has since learned how to untie my shoe laces, and is taking a keen interest on how to open cupboard doors in the kitchen... i can almost see him mentally noting things down... he already sees the connection between doors keys and the door! aarrghh.. he' will be out partying all night in no time !

I would say one of the biggest moves i've made for him is to cook him real food... puppy food was going straight through him, it resembled terrible smelling chocolate milkshake, but now he's on poached chicken breast, mixed veg (Like your granny makes them - mushy and well cooked), plus rice, he does still have some puppy food in the mix too.. The difference is astoundingly positive, not only doe he poop better, but he also seems more open to learning and enjoys more controlled energy and enhanced mood...

Week 9 - Neary at the big one

This is it, Next week Luther hits the big One Oh aka 10 weeks !!!... so this week he will be learning his left from his right, honing his understanding of his commands learned so far and in general having a wonderful time :)
And now for his first video
This is the end of this first blog post but don't despair, there will be a new Luther post with a video at the start of each week ...
Have a grrrrrrr8 (sounds funky that) week!
Mark & Luther

Week 9 - Neary at the big one

This is it, Next week Luther hits the big One Oh aka 10 weeks !!!... so this week he will be learning his left from his right, honing his understanding of his commands learned so far and in general having a wonderful time :)
And now for his first video
This is the end of this first blog post but don't despair, there will be a new Luther post with a video at the start of each week ...
Have a grrrrrrr8 (sounds funky that) week!
Mark & Luther
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